Called it. Elon's doing exactly what I thought he would do: [](

AJ to – 184 points –

Called it. Elon's doing exactly what I thought he would do:

Twitter is dead.

There is no point in trying to hold on to what Twitter used to be. What Twitter used to be no longer exists.

It died the moment Elon walked in the building.

Anything posted there since then has been free content on his everything app and potential crypto scam, X:

#Twitter #Elon #ElonMusk #Fediverse @technology


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I like the idea they think they can make an everything app when as a text app it’s so utterly broken

Who wants a bloated ‘everything’ app anyway?

Everything apps are really popular and profitable in Asia.

Not that I want one though.

I cannot understand this either: we have an everything app, it’s called our homescreen, why would you use that to launch another one?

I suppose maybe it’s nice if you want all of your accounts linked or integrated. So it’s easier for the CCP to track you?

Nobody with a brain, fuck being a slave to lock-in and walled gardens

Old people who don’t understand technology as it is, like Elon

Broken in what ways?

So many ways:

  • frequent outages
  • spaces drop out frequently
  • blue membership gives credibility to fraudsters
  • I haven’t been able to reply on mobile for the last 2 weeks
  • blue features just stopped working a few weeks ago and nothings happened (dark mode, custom icons)
  • analytics are inaccurate and have large gaps
  • it’s awash with bots
  • algo works against ux

Legit points. Although the fourth one might be just your problem, for me it works normally.

Yeah maybe - I imagine the tech debt is hard to manage when you fire 80% of your staff.

I’m on the latest version of the app and latest iOS version so I suspect I’m not alone