People Who Stay On Twitter Are Aiding Musk In His Antics to Mildly – 512 points –

My thoughts on Twitter


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I see it a few different ways:

  • They revere Elon Musk
  • They are far right-winged
  • They are watching it burn to the ground and are secretly grinning inside
  • They actually believe its headed in the right direction

They can also be a combination of the above.

You forgot the biggest group

  • They don't care

This. The majority of twitter users aren't political twitter and don't really even know who elon is

That's the group I belong to. What ever Elon is doing happens on the side of Twitter I don't spend time on. Where I hang it's bussines as usual. These recent changes hardly affect me at all

A friend of mine knows a few artists that are scrambling to find an alternative because Twitter has completely hamstrung them. They’d use the platform to promote their work and then people could contact them to make commissions.

That’s been pulled from under them.

Threads is the obvious choice for them.

Perhaps a dual presence on both Threads and Mastodon? Remember we're on Lemmy, we wanna support using fediverse services when possible

For us yes, but those artists probably don't care about federation they just want exposure.

Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for pointing out the obvious.

i feel like Tumblr is the obvious artists choice, threads is too sterile and has porn banned

The problem is obviously that they already had an established following and network of creators on that platform. They’d boost one another and so their followers would find other creators.

I personally won’t miss Twitter but I feel bad for the people who lose their livelihood because of lil Musk and his constant need to wave his wang in our faces.

If they are selling/promoting their work, they should also start on threads soon. People are still actively building followers, which I imagine will start to settle down after a while.

Its both free & easy to use, so many people who live in autocracies or dictatorships use it to organize protests &/ meetings.

Honestly, I only use my +18 account

I don't know where the accounts I follow where be going when twitter dies.