broken egg to Mildly – 176 points –

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Not 100% certain but I think this is a broken Big Green Egg. Basically a fancy and expensive BBQ, grill, smoker …

Oh, fancy and expensive huh, ouch

Also, Really creative naming choice there!

Sounds like rich people shit, so haha!

Not necessarily rich, we all have hobbies we spend more money than others on. I'm not rich but I have a nice home theater setup that I could afford because I don't spend money on other stuff that I consider a waste when others don't (ex: I haven't been to a bar in about a decade even if my friends do go fairly frequently).

When you're disabled barely scraping by on SSDI - with the occasional bit of charity in as pinch - then just about everyone is rich to you. And that's just one example. Someone with 3 kids and 2 jobs, 6 digits of student loans and a crap job to show for it, just as much medical debt, or any of a number of shitty - and appallingly common - life circumstances is gonna be in a similar boat.

Yeah it is expensive but it is good shit for people who are very passionate about bbq and smoked meat.

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