Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go? to – 513 points –

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Anywhere skin-on-skin contact occurs (butt, balls, armpits), I use a small amount of benzoyl peroxide facewash. It kills the bacteria responsible for BO and for 24-48 hours body odor is impossible.

You apply it, wait 5 minutes and rinse well. If you don't rinse well you can bleach your towel or clothes.

As far as body soap goes, I use a a fragrance free body wash with salicylic acid. Heavy mechanical exfoliation is not necessary when using a chemical exfoliant. Also, loofas are just a bunch of plastic waste.

After the shower, I use a lightweight gel moisturizer with cerimides. I use a thicker moisturizer on my hands and weenis.

That's just the body. I--of course--have a completely seperate routine for my face.

You can use an actual luffa if you don't like the plastic. Originally they were just a dried out squash like plant.

Yeah, but the truth is it's not great for your skin.

However, they're great for scrubbing really dirty hands, feet, etc.___

How do you learn all this? Could you also explain your face routine? I'm taking down notes here.

Watching skincare youtube channels and going to a dermatologist.

My face care is a lot. I'd encourage you to find your own products and routine, but I'll list mine as an example:

Daily Mornings:

  • Wash face using a gentle face cleanser (usually in shower, after washing /conditioning hair)
  • Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
  • face specific moisturizer
  • eye creme around eyes
  • Mineral sunscreen (re-apply again in middle of day)

Daily before bedtime:

  • Wash face with gentle face cleanser
  • Exfoliate face with lactic acid ointment (once per week: sub stronger AHA/BHA peeling solution)
  • Every other day, always skipping peel days: Adapalene (retinol) gel for wrinkle reduction
  • Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
  • face specific moisturizer

Everything kinda has a purpose, so if you have questions please ask.

3% peroxide shouldn't be applied directly to the skin and its time to kill is 3 minutes.