Microsoft and Google may have to surrender people's data to Saudi Arabia after signing huge deals there

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 475 points –
Microsoft and Google may have to surrender people's data to Saudi Arabia after signing huge deals there

Microsoft and Google may have to surrender people's data to Saudi Arabia after signing huge deals there::Saudi Arabia is seeking to be an innovation hub, but activists are warning that tech firms could be complicit in the repression of dissidents.


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I think it might be time to advocate for individual ownership of our own ‘data’

I don’t see any good reason why our data isn’t protected under law and any attempt to monetize should be done through contracts to each person who’s data is being used and payments made to those people

Government failure to protect citizens' right to privacy is one of, if not thee, largest money-maker Big Tech was gifted. :/

Gonna be real hard to pass any law about that when the companies making huge profits off of our data can legally bribe politicians to prevent the vote from reaching the legislative floor.

That relies on a country’s goodwill to implement such a idea. In europe with gdpr we are kind of going there and it’s already a massive mess. I find also kind of hard to define ownership; where does it ends? Is derivative data one’s ownership ? When properly anonymised? Plenty of fun in the field really.