So, do any of you experience tachysensia while hyperfocusing? to – 39 points –


What is tachysensia?

During this time, body movements seem to speed up anywhere from 1.5 to 3 times their normal pace, creating that trademark “fast feeling.” Sounds may also be amplified, often to a physically painful degree.

People with tachysensia experience episodes where everything appears to be speeding up, and sounds become unusually loud. These episodes are short in duration, usually lasting no more than 10 minutes, and unpredictable in nature, making them difficult to study. They are known by many names, including quick-motion phenomenon, the rushes, rapid spells, and fast feeling.


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This is really interesting! I've had what I think are exploding head syndrome experiences, and I also have occasionally weird thought sensations where everything seems fast and it doesn't feel normal, almost like a pre seizure event. But I've never heard of Tachysensia so thanks, I've got some reading to do now.

It really does feel like a migraine prodrome or something doesn't it. First time I've ever heard of another person experiencing this.

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