neither left nor right rule to – 1423 points –

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It’s not even that black and white, because the term democrat and republican as far as political views mean much different things when it comes to different ages, backgrounds, area, etc.

For example, I tend to lean right when it comes to economics, however I do support things like public healthcare. Also, I lean pretty far left on social issues.

There are people all over the spectrum on all sorts of issues. I can see where it bothers people to be labeled one or the other because that’s not really who they are. I truly try to break candidates down by what their stances are and pick who most aligns with what I believe. I can honestly say every ballot I’ve ever cast I’ve voted for both Democrats and Republicans.

The only people I have a problem with is people that try to tell me I’m stupid because i didn’t vote all one way or the other.

There is a saying that if you have 9 people at a table and a nazi takes a seat you have ten nazis at a table. Inaction against damaging retoric is bad, but actively voting for it is worse. I know the whole nazi thing is very charged right now, but that isn't the point.

If you vote for a republican than you are voting for another person in congress to push the party line. They may not agree with stopping bills that are good for the environment, but if they want to get reelected than they will vote how the party wants when it really matters.

Any vote for a republican is a vote for general public life to be worse for everyone. Your taxes will go up, trump made sure his tax hikes would all hit during the Biden administration, that isn't an accident. And you will get less use out of your tax money with Republicans in charge. So what do you gain by voting for them?

The Nazi thing is extreme, but I get what you are saying.

I’m also not disagreeing with your overall message but it’s my opinion on why the current political scope in the US is the way it is.

A large issue with the US system is we have no left wing party. We have the Cia and fbi attacking leftist ideas across the world and domestic. And we have no option to vote for a party that says, "hey, we have enough, let's make sure all of our citizens can eat" it shouldn't be such a revolutionary thought.

I tend to lean right when it comes to economics

You're in favour of bloated government spending, the rich owning politicians, tax breaks for billionaires, increased taxes for the working class, companies polluting for free, fossil fuel subsidies, and increased healthcare costs to both the government and the individual to subsidize insurance companies?

Not really, some of those things yes but others no.

Well those are all right wing economics. Maybe you could be more specific

I have some people here telling me I’m a leftist, and others right.

Guess that kind of proves my point I’m not really left or right