Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy? to Ask – 803 points –

Was there even a mass exodus? I largely avoid Reddit now, but I do kind of doubt that they've been hurt in any meaningful way by all the protests and people leaving...


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When will we see a MySpace or Digg moment, or Yahoo moment for Reddit? When will mentioning Reddit get you an eyeroll and an "Okay, millenial" response from Gen Alpha?

What even is Digg?

Exactly. When are we going to get blank stares when we mention Reddit? That's the moment I'm looking forward to the most.

(In case you actually don't know, Digg was a precursor to Reddit, which did basically the same mistakes and got itself replaced by Reddit and forgotten way back in the MySpace era)

I actually didn't know, I only learned Reddit was a thing because it was referenced in one of the Achievables for Postal 2 on Steam

Nice. It'd be hilarious if they replaced all references to reddit with Lemmy from now on.