UFOs Are a Common Sight, Former Military Official Tells Congress (Non Paywall in comments)

distantsounds@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 283 points –
UFOs Are a Common Sight, Former Military Official Tells Congress

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I'd suggest reading the article. It's here in the comments several times. The video of the hearing is well worth watching and pretty significant. That video is also here in the comments.

What's also significant is the extreme lack of evidence for any of the claims being made.

But this guy says another guy told him he knows guys that have worked on the UFOs! That's practically proof of aliens!

There's totes magotes aliens, bro. Swearsies.

It's true. I know a guy, who talked to a guy, who overheard a guy telling a dude he heard from a guy that it's true.

The hearing was never about presenting evidence. It is about creating a safe and transparent process for reporting unidentified flying objects. Then and only then could we have an actual discussion on anything further regarding the potential of extraterrestrials if credible evidence exists.

It was a guy chatting absolute shit, getting egged on by republican morons, that will amount to nothing.

TIL Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a "republican moron"

The republicans organised the whole thing, AOC was just there, doing her job. But yes, for her part in this I do view her as more of a moron than I used to.

Hey you're definitely ignorant of the hearing, and making a take based on a headline, but at least you're consistent.

lmao, sure thing pal.

If you'd watched the hearing you'd have heard both her line of questioning and her insistence on follow-up hearings, and wouldn't have played it off as "just doing her job"

Why even lie about such a simple thing?


Yes a person specifically employed to find information who then reports said information is 100% the same as dumb shit you said on a playground.

Exactly the same.


You have definitely not seen the hearing and it is beyond weird that you'd pretend otherwise on the internet.


The evidence and witness info provided have the committee members calling for a select committee with subpoena powers.

When Grusch said "I can't say that here" that was never going to be the end of that discussion


A select committee is not "every committee by default." A select committee is a specific committee.

Also you may want to revisit the last sentence of paragraph 1.

And no, the entire hearing was credible.

Frankly if it's nothing, you don't have to give a shit. The members of Congress think it's something, and I agree with them.


Ohhh you wanna bet? What can we bet?

Loser posts a pic of them eating a pie! We can call it a "humble pie" bet.

Does Lemmy have remindmebot?

Fair warning tho: I'll consider "Congress uncovers public/private embezzlement scheme" as a win too.