Mitch McConnell freezes during GOP news conference, escorted away | LiveNOW from FOX to – 114 points –
Mitch McConnell freezes during GOP news conference, escorted away | LiveNOW from FOX

We already have age limits at the lower end. Why are people so against age limits at the upper end?


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Bernie Sanders

Yes, of course literally the one and only. I trust him too. He is the only one. Literally the only senator that I would actually trust to do the right thing, in both the Senate and the House.

1 person against 99 can't do almost anything though. OP said plural senators

And just look at all the young, horrible GOP house reps. Or the young neo-lib reps. They're certainly no better than the old ones.

An age limit would just result in the same exact situation as now, but with everyone younger.

The house and senate are old and terrible, but they're not terrible because they're old. The system just happens to promote both things.