How to Delete All Reddit Posts and Comments on Web Browser to – 41 points –
How to Delete All Reddit Posts and Comments on Web Browser

It's about using Reddit Enhancement Suite to delete data


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Don't bother, they're restoring them.

I'm still going to do it. If nothing else to cost Reddit the time and expense of restoring from backup.

I’ll just keep running the script until they ban my 17 year old account.

Someone on Hackernews coined to use AI to generate random text and replace existing comments with that, which I find really interesting. They won’t be able to restore those comments

They won’t be able to restore those comments

oh they definitely have the ability to do so.

Seems like there's some cages being rattled at Reddit HQ regardless of what spez claims.

I've already ran the script two more times since. Thankfully it was only posts from last week after I made the big purge, but I will make sure to come back to keep them deleted if they get restored again.