FOUR whole parking spots to Mildly – 1565 points –

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See that's the problem with you truck people; a V6 is considered weak in your world.

Meanwhile the V6 in my Genesis Coupe is fast enough to get me to 60 MPH in under 6 seconds. And unlike a truck, it can actually take a corner at speed.

Unless you're a farmer, there's no reason to own a truck. I even bought one once to see what the hype was all about; got rid of it after less than a year cause I was sick and tired of getting 18 MPG and not even having fun while doing it. If I'm going to get poor fuel economy, I should at least be able to go fast.

EDIT: I mean I get the "more practical" argument, but let's be honest with ourselves here: How often do you REALLY use the truck bed? With the money you're saving in gas by driving something smaller and more economical, you could easily afford to rent a truck each and every time you need to move something. You're literally spending twice as much as you need to in gas, just for those occasions where you might need to use the bed. A U-Haul is less than $100/day (inc. gas + mileage); you're spending more than that every time you fill up, when you could be saving over $50 each time at the pump. It's simple math.

Unless your family was killed by a truck salesman, there’s no reason to hate on truck owners.

What? I never said it was weak. It has a better pulling ability than the v8. You’re just making up fake arguments.

Also, my boat with trailer was 8500 lbs. Nothing but a truck can pull it effectively and safely.

I agree some people by trucks just to say they have one, but a pickup can be incredibly useful if it fits your lifestyle.

I mean you kinda implied it by saying it's one of the smallest engines for the truck. Sorry for jumping to conclusions.

For a huge amount of people they make perfect sense, if you can only have one vehicle and don't live somewhere where parking is an issue. It really is a all in one vehicle, Haul, tow, people mover (crew cabs) and 4wd for rough weather.

Comparing a sports car to a full size truck is idiotic, its like comparing a road bike to a mountain bike they are just different vehicles.

A van or minivan can do everything a pickup can while being safer, more fuel efficient, and smaller in profile. A van can carry more than a pickup truck can, both in passenger and cargo capacity, especially with the shrinking bed sizes of modern trucks. There is a reason farmers tend to hold on to older trucks. There are very few good reasons to go for a pickup truck over a van for the average person.

What???? I would never load the back of my van with gravel, mulch, top soil. The tractor couldn’t dump it in, and shoveling it out and cleaning it after are no where near the same.

That's where a pickup truck would indeed come in handy. But you can also just rent one for that purpose instead, or use a trailer.

You could rent someone to lay out anti-truck screeds on the internet and save your own time for sleeping or polishing your golf clubs

Yeah. So let's not paint the whole world one color. Just because it doesn't meet your needs, AND you simply don't like them, doesn't mean everyone else needs to be like you.

0 to 60 doesn't mean shit in a truck. Why did you buy one in the first place? Cornering at speed?? .. Not what trucks are meant to do. Why the hell would you buy one??

Glad you like your car. I'm sure it's nice. If you're getting 18 MPG, you've managed to accomplish what many late model trucks cannot... Get under 20mpg.

Disclosure: I own a 2003 F250. I don't park like the asshat did in the pic, and I don't care how fast my truck goes. I don't roll coal and I run biodiesel to reduce emissions.

People buy the cars they want. Bitching about people car choices is like bitching about people's food preferences. Putting the blame on people for super poor fuel efficiency standards is sort of more in line, but even then, the people who are supposed to make these changes from DC but fail to do anything keep getting reelected. I wouldn't want to buy a full sized pickup where I live, because I think it'd be a nightmare trying to park anywhere. But as long as there aren't extenuating variables (as in the truck pictured in this post), I let people do what they want.

You can be mad at the government's inaction and the consumers which support the market at the same time.

You can also recognize anger as a destructive emotion and save it for important problems.