Developer of Reddit is Fun just released an app for Tildes. to – 574 points –
Three Cheers for Tildes (Android version) is open for alpha testing on the Google Play Store - ~tildes

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Sadly tildes is invite only it seems.

People parrot this as if getting a Tildes invite is like getting invited to join the Freemasons or something like that—it's not that hard to get an invite.

And for those who are just going to lurk, you don't even need to register to view everything.

But if you're trying to be a Reddit competitor getting an invite is sabotaging your mission. I've been on Reddit for 10+ years and I'm actively looking for a replacement, but I'm not going to search for someone that can send me an invite to a new social media site

ok, but Tildes isn't setting itself up as a Reddit competitor, like, its goal isn't to get people to move away from Reddit. It's just its own thing which happens to have some similarities to Reddit but with a bunch of differences too.

Sounds like the perfect recipe to become like the next Google+ though