Microsoft Bans Gamers Using Retail Mode Emulators on Xbox to – 97 points –
Microsoft Bans Gamers Using Retail Mode Emulators on Xbox

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Thank you for an actual response and explanation. Anyone who has actually used google over the past few years should know "googling it" isn't always helpful anymore. Besides, maybe we actually want to be the place where people find answers.

There's also the simple social factor which gets underestimated. I used to get worked up at work when people would ask questions about stuff I had written documentation about, until I understood that some folk just want that little social connection. They want a person to communicate something to them, whether they're concsiously aware of it or not.

It's also fairly common for people to just not be that good at searching for things. You have to word things in specific ways and learn what kind of sources to avoid and ones to trust. So asking people who do can be a huge timesaver.

Well when Karen asks for the 40th time how to add a new user to the system, Karen's getting referred to the documentation.

you have to word things in specific ways

Googling the exact question asked by OP gets a direct and real answer, though. So that’s not really applicable here.

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