Reddit CEO Digs In Heels As User Outrage Engulfs Website to Lemmy.World – 1158 points –
Reddit CEO Digs In Heels As User Outrage Engulfs Website

Wow. Front page of right now. Interesting...


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Only outright corrupt mods I ever experienced wad Amos on the conspiracy sub, and the mod of r/pitbullhate.

They totally exist, but the community tends to build around them when it's bad.

Someone posted and it became so clear how reddit had changed in the last 3 years. All my subs have expanded 3-5x in size, and over that same period the quality declined a lot.

Oh there are plenty of shitty mods on certain subreddits, but the biggest issue is that often the community doesn't realize it. Some person gets banned for some stupid reason, the community doesn't know. That's one of the biggest issues with community moderation especially on Reddit: it is entirely too easy for moderators to act invisibly and absolutely no one would be any the wiser because the only person that could point out the abuse of power can no longer post.

The_donald had pretty heinous mods.

Some pretty heinous members too as I recall.

Seems to me a simple fix for that would be, he more the mods abuse the ban hammer, the shorter he bans are. Problem solves itself.

Yeah I mean it was pretty much the whole community but the mods existed to shield their worst members.

And frankly, reddit shielded the_donald when they were openly breaking the rules about vote manipulation in such a huge way that they dominated /r/all.