Wikihow brutally kills 36 year olds to Lemmy – 778 points –

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And if you're 18, you can only date someone who is exactly 18. Can't go any lower or any higher.

Idk who told this to me, but what a weird contradiction. I guess it sorta makes sense.

Nope. If your age minimum for a partner y is determined by your age x with the function:

y = 1/2 x + 7

then the point where y = x is at y - 7 = 1/2 x. Setting y to x leads us to x - 7 = x / 2, which happens at x = 14.

At x = 18, y = 18/2 + 7 = 9 + 7 = 16.

Relatedly, if we invert the function, y - 7 = 1/2 x, thus 2y - 14 = x, which gives us the theoretical maximum for a possible partner. If a possible partner is older than that, you'd be understood to call them a cougar, or whatever the male equivalent is.

whatever the male equivalent is

Dirty Old Man





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I believe now if you are 18 you need to consult with a lawyer before dating.

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