Climate change is hitting close to home for nearly 2 out of 3 Americans, poll finds to politics – 191 points –
Climate change is hitting close to home for nearly 2 out of 3 Americans, poll finds

But, as another article looking at the same poll notes, "almost three-quarters of Republicans (72%) said the economy should be given priority, even at the risk of ignoring climate change. That is up 13 points since 2018 – despite the increases in climate-change-related weather disasters."


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WSJ had an Opinion piece out today about how "The Left" is still trying to make people panic about climate change. These fucking people.

Edit: Source -

Infuriating, but not surprising. They're convinced the consequences of it are only going to hit poor and non-white people in the global south, and they don't see them suffering and dying en masse as anything worth panicking about because they're genocidal shitheads.

You'd imaging that seeing Canada of all fucking places become - and remain - excessively and catastrophically on fire would have knocked some sense into these people.

Maybe 10 years ago it would have been believable that the "developed" countries away from the equator would escape the damage and hey, maybe even profit with a new sub-tropical climate, but the past couple of years have shown that absolutely nowhere on earth is safe.

I live in a conservative area and

  1. once the smoke blew in another direction they thought ALL the fires were out

  2. they have no idea/literally cannot comprehend how large or unusual these fires are

  3. if they DO manage to understand all this, climate concern is just emotionalism and these temperatures are natural cycles that happen anyway.

We're totally fffffked depending on rural conservatives. Nothing is real to them. COVID, climate, racism, abuse of lower classes. Nothing's real. Ever. At all.