CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% to politics – 801 points –
CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% | CNN Politics

The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who believe that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate has ticked back up, according to a new CNN poll fielded throughout July. All told, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaners say Biden’s win was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and through last fall, even as there is no evidence of election fraud that would have altered the outcome of the contest.


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It's not just a mid-west thing. I'm in the PNW and I've yet to meet a Never Trumper republican.


Strangest thing to me is that I know quite a few Asians that immigrated here that are super Trumpers. I just can't even grasp how.

Also, interestingly enough, I also happen to work in a very right leaning field, and the majority of the republicans here have been very quiet since the Jan 6 incident. There was only one who was pretty outspoken about it, and he quit recently.

Just based on Queens, NY, I think the republicans in NYC capitalized on some of the things Democrats “beat around the bush” or avoided talking about. The Asian American population in NY is very anti-crime, and the dems perceived inaction on Anti-Asian Hate created an opening some I think local republicans capitalized on. Even the current mayor is a former cop.

Now, how they got to be die-hard Trumpers is not something I understand. He did, after all, cause Asian Americans a-lot of grief with his whole “China Virus” BS during the pandemic..

Just based on Queens, NY, I think the republicans in NYC capitalized on some of the things Democrats “beat around the bush” or avoided talking about. The Asian American population in NY is very anti-crime, and the dems perceived inaction on Anti-Asian Hate created an opening some I think local republicans capitalized on. Even the current mayor is a former cop.

Agreed 100%, it seems like empty virtue signalling that the left will back off on if it's not the 'right' minority to defend.

Now, how they got to be die-hard Trumpers is not something I understand. He did, after all, cause Asian Americans a-lot of grief with his whole “China Virus” BS during the pandemic…

I can only speak for my asian community. But him calling it the 'china virus' was not a big deal to us. Him calling it the 'Kung Flu' will never fail to make me laugh.

Might be the same reason why Mexicans vote for Republicans as well. As a Mexican I've observed that there's plenty of racism and misogyny still going about, especially among the religious and ignorant crowd.

They cross the rope bridge going over the Rio Grande and then cut the rope once they're across. The amount of hate I've seen Mexican immigrants direct at Mexicans trying to immigrate is mind blowing. So it's no wonder that they flock to the republican party.

Latinos subscribe heavily to the machismo personality = good, and that any threat against it is a threat to their existence. They are raised religious with heavy incentive on strong family structures, something that conservatives use as a weapon to curry favor.

Yep, I remember seeing my ex brother in law seem upset for half a second at his baby gender reveil party when they popped a balloon and it was pink. The wife noticed and quickly unscrolled her blue parchment saying it was a lie and it was actually a boy. He wasn't a bad dude but there was definitely machismo there.

Asians tend to be extremely conservative, particularly Chinese immigrants. They grew up in an authoritarian world, and view the progressive policies of the West as antithetical to their own. They don't care if Trump is a racist, or blames them for the Kung Flu, because he represents their views on what a government should be.

Strangest thing to me is that I know quite a few Asians that immigrated here that are super Trumpers. I just can’t even grasp how.

I'm first generation so maybe I can lend another viewpoint here. Obviously there is the fact that they tend to come from more conservative, religious countries, but there's a lot more.

Asian immigrants tend to have a culture of being studious and working hard. This has led to a lot of success, and even surpassing the white folk in a lot of thriving metrics. We're told this is because white folk gave us special privileges to keep other minorities in check. The left has fought against protections for asian immigrants rather than treating them as they would other minorities. Affirmative action hurts asians, because asians tend to care more about grades. A lot of us feel we're being punished because of this.

Remember when the #stopasianhate stuff was going on? That was short lived, because it started to come out that the hate crimes were disproportionately committed by black perpetrators.

We're a minority when it's convenient to the left, and thrown away when it's inconvenient.

Asians also are more strict on immigration, actually almost every legal immigrant population tends to be harsh on illegal immigration.

Asian immigrants tend to be more socially conservative, and align with the right on that, and the right isn't actively working against the asian community.

That's a really fair point.

My wife is Asian and I definitely understand the conservative side of many Asian cultures, also the immigration policies as I lived in Asia for almost a decade.

Sometimes it can be hard to see the different viewpoints when you aren't directly affected. For one reason obviouly, not being Asian myself (mixed but I'm basically white), and two, even having many Asian friends but never actually really discussing politics with them.

I really appreciate the time you took to give some external viewpoints to things.

Yep, they're still flying Trump flags and hanging Trump signs in the areas of Oregon outside the larger cities.

Is that the only metric?

I voted for him in '16, same with my pa. Does someone have to be a 'never trumper' to be reasonable? I'm in the PNW too, I've seen a handful of Trump Trucks, but despite being from a more rural area (you know there are a lot of conservative pockets in the PNW), there isn't this widespread support of Trump, from what I've seen.

You must not get out much. Spend any amount of time in WA-3 and you'll see car dealerships running still running "TRUMP 2020, FUCK INSLEE" on their signs, tons of FJB flags flying from pickups, and knock-off Trump apparel in stores.

You must not get out much.

I'm pretty confident I'm very well traveled around the state, much more than the average Washingtonian.

Spend any amount of time in WA-3

Oooooh so you mean I must not be well traveled in this specific district you're talking about? Yeah, not that much, but the times I have traveled down that way to portland, the coast or other areas out there is what I was talking about seeing some Trump Trucks.

I do love that sign though, driving down I5 about inslee, that cracks me up every time.

I'm glad you're easily entertained. That's not the specific sign I was referring to, though, but thank you for adding additional examples, thus strengthening my point.

but thank you for adding additional examples, thus strengthening my point.

I don't get why you're acting like this is a fight you need to win. I said I'm from rural WA and don't see many Trump Trucks. That's a fact. You then told me that means I don't get out much? Which is an absurd conclusion based on one sentence of communication.

I didn't say there weren't any trump supporters, look back at my first comment. What I said is it's baffling to me because that trumper culture isn't prevelant out here, you're here saying 'well if you go to this specific district, in this area, there's this sign at this dealership' doesn't mean there's a big trump culture in washington.

Sorry for only providing three quick examples instead of listing off everything I see across the PNW daily. Should I keep notes and send you weekly updates so as to prove my point?

If there's a big trump culture, where are the rallies out here? Where are the protests? Trumpers are known for protesting liberal areas they don't like, where are the protests in bellingham regarding drag events at schools?

You've listed one area where you see some Trump trucks and signs. That doesn't prove that there's a big trump culture out here.There's 33% of Washington adults that call themselves republicans, where is the Trump culture that you're talking about? A couple signs? come on man. Prove your point or move on, don't get pedantic saying 'hey, go to this city in this road and on fridays there's a trump truck by a trump sign. If you wait for the new moon, you might see two trump trucks!'

Homie, like 3 of those were from 2018, a couple from 2020.

The most recent article, which is from an reasonable 2022, is in Oregon, your AP source is Oregon, too. Another you linked is in Boise.

You're trying really hard to prove your point, but all you've done is dig up 5 year old articles of a couple hundred Trump supporters in different states.

Remember when I said PNW at the start, and that's what you took exception to? And please read what I wrote below the links to address your first concern.

But hey, since you keep shifting the goal posts, it's evident you're not wanting to have an actual conversation about this.