Dumb Trump supporters shoot America in the foot

HunterBidensLapDog@infosec.pub to politics @lemmy.world – 752 points –

Dumb Trump supporters raise mortgage rates, reduce money for Social Security and Medicare, and Make America A Laughing Stock.


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Please tell me you're British. Because that would make your moralizing about Americans go from mildy amusing to outstandingly hilarious.

I’m not.

Pity. But judging from your vernacular, you're from a Western country, none of which have a stellar history when it comes to colonialism and imperialism. So I would wager your particular nation has done some really shitty, fucked up things in the past. Probably at least a few genocides, eh? Maybe more? Shall we gloss over those atrocities, so your comment doesn't come off as ridiculous?

Pity. But judging from your vernacular, you’re from a Western country, none of which have a stellar history

FTFY. There's not a country around that doesn't have something dark in it's closet. I feel that a real patriot would accept the dark parts of their country's history, and work to make the future brighter rather than putting their fingers in their ears and going 'nananana'.

I'm not signaling any country out here since there isn't a point.

This does not mean that we should never point out bad stuff other countries are doing just because at some point in the past our country also did terrible shit. Raising the plight of the Uyghurs does not lighten what happened in Algeria, but neither can what happend in Algeria be used as a justification (or whataboutisme) for what's currently happening in Xinjiang.

It’s funny how interested you are in whataboutism.

From a colonial nation, so yes we’ve done horrible things to the original inhabitants. I accept that fact.

Unless you're addressing every Western nation with your remarks, then it's just whitewashing your own nation's crimes against humanity. Pointing that out isn't whataboutism, it's a perfectly valid argument addressing your hypocrisy. I'm not going to say you're wrong, because you're not. But I think we can all agree we had really good teachers on how to be horrible.

So maybe don't call people laughingstocks over something your country is probably also still engaging in to this day, eh?

Yeah, no.

That's not how it works, you don't get to not be called massive jokes because of our utterly dysfunctional and pathetic you are just because other nations have done bad shit.

This idea that you have to be 100% pure to be able to comment on others actions is unrealistic.

except, in a conversation about moralism, it's a bit like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler all sitting at a table and Mao and Stalin ganging up on Hitler and judging his actions as reprehensible

Yeah, nah.

It’s a bit like a meeting between Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and John Curtin and John Curtin is saying all the other 3 are arseholes.

You’re utterly next level compared to us.

How’s that genocide of a million and change First Nations people treating you?

No, but you should probably not still be perpetrating the actions you're pointing out as problematic yourself. Now I don't know exactly what country in Europe you're from, but I'm willing to bet money you can think, privately in your head if you wish, of something your nation is doing right this moment that would probably fall under the same definition as the acts you rightly accuse us of. Am I right?

what makes you think they are European? it's actually very obvious what country they are from based on the phrasing alone

Judging by your vernacular, you're from the UK. I think the entire globe has something to say about the nightmares brought upon them by the British Empire. India and Pakistan in particular. Nothing the US has done comes even close to the outright chaos and bloodshed sown by the British in pursuit of global conquest. To quote the old PSA: We learned it by watching you. Except the US never quite had the stomach for for mass murder the way Britain has, so thankfully we've failed to live up to the legacy you've left.

In your own parlance: Slag off, mate.

No, I’m from a country Britain invaded.

Keep finding excuses to help you sleep at night though.