Now that Sync and Infinity are out, which do people prefer? Also, how do they compare to the existing lemmy apps? to – 281 points –

I have about 5 different apps installed right now, and while I plan to test them all out, curious what people's conclusions are thus far.


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Too much money. I feel bad for the instance devs because sync had probably made more money than them

Not sure how it can be too much money, it's literally free to use. There are ads, but there aren't many and not obtrusive at all. I haven't really noticed them. I'll probably buy the pro version just to throw some money at the developer. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind just using the free version.

There are ads, but there aren't many and not obtrusive at all.

It's the only Lemmy app I know of that has them at all.

Hard pass.