*LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*

Dasnap@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 257 points –

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You lot would’ve said the same thing about self driving cars, crypto, NFTs, solar-freaking-roadways etc

People are so fucking sick of tech hype

Edit: how could I forget the metaverse! The f u t u r e

Edit2: sam altman of openAI fame, is literally a crypto grifter, he wanted to make GPT so he could ruin the internet and real life so he could force you to buy his stupid crypto coin

Yea, if only there were real world applications for AI. Like image/video generation and editing, text generation including code, audio processing and generation, object recognition and image classification, fraud detection, medical diagnosis, predictions in general, protein folding, or even just general data analysis. Then it might actually take off.

OpenGPT is just an LLM but that's only one small facet of AI. When people talk about AI and only mean LLMs or even one specific guy/company, it's a clear sign they don't know any more about AI than that one Vox article they read 2 months ago.

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AI is literally going to change everything. It's already started, don't you feel it?

No, and that’s exactly what the crypto, NFT, metaverse, self driving cars, solar roadways guys said. Show me

I’m not buying Sam Altmans fucking crypto coin

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