All it needs is a fuckton of awards next to one of the [removed] comments, so you know that what you missed was worth reading.
Fuck the major subs. I don't miss that arbitrary shit at all. And may I just add, fuck AwkwardtheTurtle in particular: seeing them get eaten by their own antics was just -chef's kiss-
What happened to him? I only know that this person was a (bad) mod on a whole lot of subs.
All it needs is a fuckton of awards next to one of the [removed] comments, so you know that what you missed was worth reading.
Fuck the major subs. I don't miss that arbitrary shit at all. And may I just add, fuck AwkwardtheTurtle in particular: seeing them get eaten by their own antics was just -chef's kiss-
What happened to him? I only know that this person was a (bad) mod on a whole lot of subs.
Now just shut down /r/mademesmile . You'd have to go back to Mao's Red Guards to find worse control freaks.