Microsoft is getting rid of the following File Explorer features on Windows 11 to – 35 points –
Microsoft is getting rid of the following File Explorer features on Windows 11

You can say goodbye to these legacy File Explorer options on Windows 11


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The options will continue to be available through registry keys.

Getting tired of the endless reg edits necessary to enable basic functionality on Windows 11

I use Windows 10 at home and it's not so bad, but using Windows 11 at work makes me understand why everyone hates it

I went the batshit crazy route and just set up an AD server for home.

Let's me gain some knowledge for work and ensure that every PC I configure at home 'just works' and if I've got to make changes to get something to actually fucking work, I only have to do it once.

A few of my linux servers auth through it too, which is pretty convenient, honestly.