[Rant] I swear to fucking god. Windows is harder to use than Linux. Have any of you ever USED Windows lately? Holy fuck.

PeterPoopshit@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 306 points –

I'm helping a family member build a pc. He wanted to use Windows because "Linux can't play games" despite me having a perfectly good gaming laptop running Linux that runs all my games, even graphically intensive ones.

2 days later, no game has been played yet. We can't even get steam to start. I even installed Arch on a sata ssd I donated just to verify the pc parts actually work (took less than an hour). It took 1 and a half days to even get the Windows 11 installer to get past like the 3rd screen.

Fucking fuck. Dealing with all this fucking bullshit is far worse than not being able to play a few trashy anticheat pay 2 win games. The anti Linux circlejerk is real.


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When you get it working it's just so cumbersome to use. I do most of my work on servers and doing anything with a Windows server is a pain in the ass. Want to restart something? Open an RDP session, wait for it to load, open the Services, wait for it to load, filter through thousands of services to find the one you want, fucking right-click on it and pick restart.

Compare this to Linux where you get a snappy SSH shell and restart it with one command.

And then there's the goddamn Windows Event Viewer. Can't have log files being, ya know, files right? No, gotta put them in this application on the server, that you have to view in the GUI, and show it alongside all the other logs so you have to filter by service. Most of the time I just export them to text files just because it's easier to process them on a sane OS.

This is more about your windows knowledge than windows. All the stuff you're mentioning can easily be done remotely with powershell remoting.

Also, I often just SSH to windows servers. Works fine, has been like that for years now.


I still have to log in via fucking RDP to set it up. Why do they even have a desktop environment on a goddamn server?

Also, Windows Event Viewer still blows

The default installation option for Windows Server is without a desktop environment.

Then why has every Windows admin I’ve ever had to deal with use the GUI?

Because that's how most people are taught.

You can use PowerShell to do more than the GUI can most of the time. Both locally and remotely.

It’s not most of them, it’s literally all of them. In the decade or so I’ve been doing enterprise software support I have never seen a Windows admin use SSH, nor met one who wasn’t flummoxed at the notion of a CLI, nor worked with any Windows server that didn’t have a GUI.

As one of those Windows admins who uses all of these things, I'd have to say it can't quite possibly be all of them...

I imagine if you’re able to figure out a CLI you can also read a log, do some googling, and figure things out on your own instead of calling me.

But there are depressingly few of you. So few that it took me until now to learn that Windows even has SSH.