Did something today I had been putting off for 6 months

kilted_cyclist@lemmy.world to ADHD@lemmy.world – 261 points –

Opened a warranty request for a pair of wireless earbuds that started acting up. Despite having seen reports from other users with the same issue successfully getting replacements I just couldn't do it. Today I finally did the thing.


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Kind of? If that makes sense. It's less a feeling of accomplishment and more relief cause it isn't hanging over my head anymore.

I see it like this; Instead of raising our mood from say a base 0, we're getting to 0 from a negative deficit. A net gain, but not really making you feel better.

Hygiene factors […] do not give positive satisfaction or lead to higher motivation, though dissatisfaction results from their absence.

Getting things done you know you need to do is a hygiene factor.


I’ve never heard of this before. It seems useful. Thanks for the intro!

whoa, cool study. Never heard of this before, but it makes sense. I do still think ADHD brains process dopamine/seratonin differently - maybe that makes more or most things "hygiene factors", where a neurotypical would have them more as a "motivator"?

The common "oh I accomplished this, but it rather than elation, I just feel relief", and if you don't accomplish the stress of it being unmet

This was news for me as well, bookmarked and looking forward to an in-depth read later - thank you!

I'm always so happy to learn more about how this works so I can recognize and adapt. I know it works for many, but the thought of medication as the answer is something I really try to avoid.

This is something I'm currently studying for a class so this is really intriguing to me. For what it's worth, that task is not as easy as it seems and you can tell from others here (myself included as I often get frustrated by things like forgetting to send in a rebate form) that it may be more common for people to NOT accomplish this kind of task.

I just wanted to tell you that I hope you can feel some of that sense of accomplishment along with the relief. Whether it's hard or easy is irrelevant....you did it and that's what matters! Good work!