The steam main Window is now also the launch window, thus you cannot browse steam while launching a game. to Mildly – 173 points –

Launching a game means that the entire Steam Window fades and it will become entirely unusable until the game starts. That is not a separate startup window, thats just an embedded element inside the main one. If you accidentally click outside, the game startup gets canceled.

It is a bit more than mildly frustrating when Im waiting on the Vulkan shaders for BFV for like half an hour to process.


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Yeah, but I don't know if it should be turned on by default. Shader processing takes a lot of CPU resources, even on a high-end one I notice some small stutters in general desktop usage while it processes. Lower grade CPUs could be pretty unusable, I think.

I have a 5950x. At least on Linux I had to turn it off because it would peg my CPU at 100% all cores and the stutter was ridiculous. Heaven forbid I be writing code at the time.

Yeah, I gad a lot of problems with it on NixOS.l, to the point of kde becoming unresponsive during shader processing. I had a much better experience once I installed cfs zen tweaks which iptimizes the ketnel a bit for desktop usage.

Hmm, that's true. I guess i really just want the steam disabler box to be off by default.