The steam main Window is now also the launch window, thus you cannot browse steam while launching a game. to Mildly – 173 points –

Launching a game means that the entire Steam Window fades and it will become entirely unusable until the game starts. That is not a separate startup window, thats just an embedded element inside the main one. If you accidentally click outside, the game startup gets canceled.

It is a bit more than mildly frustrating when Im waiting on the Vulkan shaders for BFV for like half an hour to process.


Have you checked "Process vulkan shaders in the background" under settings -> download? That way it does that in the background when you're not playing


Yeah, but I don't know if it should be turned on by default. Shader processing takes a lot of CPU resources, even on a high-end one I notice some small stutters in general desktop usage while it processes. Lower grade CPUs could be pretty unusable, I think.

I have a 5950x. At least on Linux I had to turn it off because it would peg my CPU at 100% all cores and the stutter was ridiculous. Heaven forbid I be writing code at the time.

Yeah, I gad a lot of problems with it on NixOS.l, to the point of kde becoming unresponsive during shader processing. I had a much better experience once I installed cfs zen tweaks which iptimizes the ketnel a bit for desktop usage.

Hmm, that's true. I guess i really just want the steam disabler box to be off by default.

Hmm I didnt know about that. I will look that up next time.

the new steam sucks hardcore. I hate everything to do with it. It's buggy, it lags, you can't use themes, it crashes randomly, it memory leaks. Heck it was suck bad performance that they pushed the beta back multiple times before finally releasing it and its still not ready.

Let's not forget that pressing the back arrow button on the workshop kicks you back to the main workshop page, resetting all your filters, searches or visited pages. Its absolute ass.

God the Vulkan Shaders processing is infuriating for Rocket League.. it takes like 3 minutes to get to 90% and then 30 minutes for the last 10%... then you have to do it all over again next time!!! WTF??

How new is this? I didn't seem to have this issue just the other day

This only affects a fraction of games (those that have to process their shaders), and then only on first startup.

Sounds like somebody needs an SSD

"Upgrade your pc, lol" should not be a solution to a problem that a company randomly created for no real reason. What OP is doing is right, bitch about it and hopefully Valve will notice and fix it, as they should.

The problem is that it takes a half hour for the game to launch.

You don't know what you are talking about. In OP's case the game is not loading effectively, but it is compiling Vulkan shaders, as it's running under Linux. That process is normal to take a while.

I got a setup that maxes out BFV bro. Proton will need to process your shaders every update or so.

If I do have a bottleneck, its my chinese Mobo with a xeon e5-2640 v3. Still, it has DDR4 and M2 SSD, so the bottleneck is usually core speed.

Or even an m2drive, even faster load times in game.

M2 drives as in an SSD connected to an M.2 slot? That's the way to connect SSD drives internally, so "get an SSD" basically means "connect an SSD drive to your M.2 slot". There's nothing like "M2 drives are even faster than SSDs".

an "SSD" can be either a SATA-cable connected 2.5" SSD, a M.2 SATA (protocol) SSD, or an M.2 PCIe SSD. their respective maximum R/W speed increases significantly in this order, so M.2 is not the only way to connect an SSD, at least not as long as cable-sata SSDs still exist.

PCIe (m.2) SSDs are faster than SATA SSDs. M.2 is one way to connect an ssd not the only way.

Sure let's just edit the whole thing to correct being wrong as fuck.

M.2 is just the connector form factor. Can be NVMe or SATA still.

Why would you need to browse steam while you're launching a game? Is your object permanace so fucked that you can't wait for shaders to compile?

I use steam very irregularly and only for a couple small games. Is this something a lot of people do? Never occurred to me.

It's by far the most popular PC game distribution in the world. Yes, people launch games and then browse while waiting.

I'm curious how many steam users actually browse while waiting for a game to launch. I know they have a lot of users but I can't imagine more than one or two percent actually do this.

That’s actually what I meant… I‘m certainly aware how large steam is…

I have an m2drive I've never had to wait. Upgrade your storage, then no waiting. Even when I had a hdd I never waited. So this would have been a surprise to me.

Steam has 120 million active users a month and 60m a day, so yes it’s something a lot of people do.

This comment feels unnervingly AI generated. You commented on 3 posts in 3 minutes.

Uhh, never opened a bunch of tabs and commented in quick succession?

Not sure how much tome it takes you to type 3 paragraphs but 3 Minutes seem quite reasonable if your engadged in something… And as a non native speaker, I thought my flawed English certainly wouldn’t pass as an AI (maybe a shitty one though)