Suggestions for Canvas 2024 (or any future events)

grant 🍞@toast.ooomod to – 110 points –

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I think doing it more often than reddit would be cool, not super frequent, maybe twice a year. For now the gui is amazing, and i loved this iteration of canvas!

I agree, we can just let it be a free for all but maybe someday we'll do around events or something, so there are themes for everyone to try following (like around Christmas, the Linux community does a penguin with a Santa hat)

Agreed. Commercial sites like reddit like to create false scarcity. Doesn't have to be done all the time, but every 3-6 months might be good.

Also if it's advertised in advance more people will know about it

This first year it could be done a few more times trying out a lot of the suggestions in this thread. That's the other thing about having this not controlled by a commercial site like you said, we can actually act on new ideas and not just take whatever they decide to give us.

I disagree. Even people on Reddit thought once a year was too often, twice will definitely lead to burnout.

We could definitely do it yearly because the community is growing and a lot of people didn’t even know it was happening, but more than that will just turn it into a chore.