The amount of plastic that reaches the sea is ten times less than previously thought, but that is not good news to World – 168 points –
The amount of plastic that reaches the sea is ten times less than previously thought, but that is not good news

The good news is that, according to a new study, some 500,000 tons of plastic — over ten times less than previous estimates — reach the sea every year, according to a new study. The bad news is that this plastic lasts longer than it was believed to, sometimes decades longer.


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Do you want to die painless right now or later but in a painful way?

That's what the article made me think honestly

Rather not die at all, so I certainly won’t be giving into that doomer shit.

I’m gonna aim for SolarPunk, can’t hurt to try.

I've got bad news for you.

If you think we’re all doomed, save it mate.

There’s enough evidence that we can get through this.

Have they discovered the secret to immortality and nobody bothered to tell me?

Yes but you have to spec into the Jellyfish class.

Everyone almost always forgets to level up their restoration skill, too!

You have to have that restoration skill leveled up, otherwise you can't cast the powerful healing spells that might save you in difficult situations.

can I plan ahead long enough to jurryrig a suicide pod?