Looking for an ebook reader (hardware) which doesn't hold a proprietary OS

dontblink@feddit.it to Free and Open Source Software@beehaw.org – 146 points –

I wanna buy an ebook reader but i don't want any amazon or other companies shit in there, just something i can connect to my pc, pass ebooks in different formats into it and read.


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I own an Onyx Boox Air, but sadly can't recommend it as Onyx refuse to comply with the Linux kernel license and don't publish their changes. Not only is this a dick move it means custom ROMs and hacking is not likely to happen.

And is illegal.

Against the terms of use? Yes. Illegal? Sort of, but practically not until somebody proves it in court.

Against the terms of use? Yes.

The terms of use are legally binding. If you violate the terms of use, you're breaking the law.

Illegal? Sort of, but practically not until somebody proves it in court.

Not sure what you're trying to say here. Violating copyright is against the law.

I'm saying that if a law isn't enforced, then breaking that law EFFECTIVELY is not illegal. Companies have been violating open source TOS for decades and nothing has happened. To make them stop, somebody would have to put up the money and lawyers to sue them and make them pay. But that hasn't happened yet, so the status quo will continue.