'Dad, people are sending me pictures of bears': Baldur's Gate 3 boss Swen Vincke 'wasn't ready' for the bear sex scene to go so viral

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to Gaming@beehaw.org – 139 points –
'Dad, people are sending me pictures of bears': Baldur's Gate 3 boss Swen Vincke 'wasn't ready' for the bear sex scene to go so viral

When your son's friends start sending him bear pics, you know you made a splash.


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Irritated this is in the title of post/article. Spoilers…

Bear sex - the most important part of baldur's gate 3. Ruined for thousands.

I understand frustration with potential spoilers, but to be fair this scene was in a livestreamed demo that Larian hosted that went viral before the game even launched. It's not been kept particularly secret and I don't think it's probably a major plot point.

the point is that I should get to decide whether or not I learn about game stuff outside of the game. I did not watch any demos or play early access because I want to experience everything including the small stuff for the first time.

I can control not watching YT/Twitch/etc but I can't control someone just full on posting a spoiler in the title of a post. If this was a BG3 community - fine. but it's general gaming.

Dude, I heard about the bear sex scrolling on Mastodon. And then saw it again all over YouTube in thumbnails. If you follow any gaming news at all, you’re going to see stuff like this, the mildest of mild spoilers.

Doesn’t make it ok. All that means is people have gotten less considerate of their fellow gamers

It was something in the marketing material. Larian put it out so people would talk about it. And look, people are talking about it!

I think you're purposely missing the point. If you can't understand why posting spoilers in titles is inconsiderate - I don't know how else to explain it. Just say you're too selfish to even take 2 seconds to consider others who feel differently in the gaming community and go. Rather than try to explain and convince me you're not inconsiderate - cause you are. Thanks

Lol, dude get off the internet if you are that worried. It was literally in the marketing material, you buffoon.

No, thanks. Sorry my pointing out that people (sounds like including you) can be inconsiderate by putting spoilers in titles is so deeply upsetting for you that you're reduced to name-calling just to save your own ego. You can disagree and think it's not a big deal. That's fine. But then own that you just don't care about others.

Reel it in, bub. Your mask is starting to peel.

Unless you are serious, in which case, seek psychiatric help.