Google search from every aggregator on the fediverse? to – 30 points –

I've heard you can do a google search and append say to get results just from kbin, but if I wanted to treat the fediverse's content like reddit's, is there a way to do the google search on just everything that's on the fediverse?

I've been hearing people will want to make search tools to help us search the fediverse, and in the future even give us options on our servers to opt out of being indexed if we want.

Also this is a search site someone else recommended where you can choose which search engine to search the fediverse:


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I just tried a random Google search appending 'site:lemmy.*' and it returned results from a bunch of Lemmy insurances with 'lemmy' in the domain name.

Of course that's a far cry from "everything in the fediverse" but it's a start...

You could try it with "join Lemmy" OR "powered by kbin" in quotes at the end of the query, since one of the two is shown at the bottom of every fediverse page

Omg that sounds great! Thanks, I'm not that familiar with that google search filter and the possibilities we can put :)

Edit: I tried it, but I'm not sure yet, I think it adds a lot of entries I wasn't expecting, but it's still another great option to do the search. I tried it with: < desantis "join Lemmy" OR "powered by kbin" >

Probably because "join Lemmy" is way too broad and Lemmy sites don't have good page rank scores yet. With any luck, the sites becoming bigger will improve results.

That said, I'm not sure if the page rank algorithm will even work very well on them without changes, since there's so many possible URLs for different instances view of the same post. It likely dilutes the rank of any particular result.

As an aside, even if Google worked well, I suspect it would end up causing the biggest instances to only get bigger. Google gives weight to what other people link to, and that's most likely to be from the largest instances. Also, the whole idea of creating new instances probably doesn't mesh well with how web search works, since it isn't likely to trust new, unfamiliar sites.

so complicated :o that's true, it's kind of another con of making an account on and staying on a small instance then. If the instance makes its own communities, and the instance plans to stay small ish to be a lot of decentralized servers, then the content might not be well searchable for the small instance. idkkkk, it feels like there's pros of the fediverse, but then sometimes it's like a double edged sword or something.

oooh, so nice, thank you! I will use that. I didn't even know we can put that wild card *
I tested with " site:lemmy.* reddit "

The only thing is, I think not every lemmy instance is named that way. I think these are also lemmy servers -,,

There are more and more Lemmy instances (servers) every day sooooo this isn't a terrifically comprehensive search but, if you're looking for something in a federated Lemmy instance, one of the Lemmy.* instances probably knows about it... Maybe that's enough?

In other words, I would hazard a guess that almost everything in the lemmyverse can probably be found by searching the Lemmy.* instances.. assuming they expose their content to Google in the first place.

It looks promising, I searched for something using site:lemmy.* and one of the results was on and was found because of the federated URL:

I guess my only concern left then is for the different aggregators, since I thought there wouldn't be any difference really between kbin and lemmy (or the others)

Even if the domain isn't using Lemmy in the name I would think the page still has the word Lemmy in the metadata so it should still show up if you just treated it like how you append reddit to the end of a search.

If we could find something that's the same across every Lemmy instance I could craft a Google dork for it. Like if every instance contains the same header or something similar. There's loads of things Google indexes that aren't just domain names.