Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic to – 404 points –
Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

While Baldur's Gate 3 is being widely celebrated by fans and developers alike, some are panicking that this could set new expectations from fans. Good.


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I get everyone's sentiment here, boiling it down to "better games are better" but also keep in mind the development costs and times for making new games are constantly going up. Yeah of course there are fantastic indie games out there (and I love them myself) that have a fraction of AAA game budgets and dev time but those are the gems in the rough, not the norm.

I'm all for better gaming experiences but they do come with tradeoffs. Also, flops are now death sentences for studios so the pressure to perform is even higher

you sound like EA public relations

He's not wrong, though. Game development is a business, like any other, and larger-scale games require exponentially more resources to produce than smaller indie titles.

Obviously one could make the argument "Well they shouldn't be making every single game into a huge, multi-billion dollar blockbuster title that costs the player an arm and a leg to gain access to, then they wouldn't need that amount of resources to begin with", and that would be a fair argument. But ultimately, people keep buying those games, anyway. And not by force, they buy them of their own volition. So those games continue to be profitable. There's no incentive for big studios to change their ways when consumers keep giving them money, so they're going to keep making huge games that require huge resources and huge payments from the players.

yeah you guys are working really hard here

I'm not sure what you mean. Were you offering some sort of insight into what I or the other person was actually saying, or just whining? Some of us are having a conversation here.

you're working really hard to try to stipulate something, i agree

Okay, thanks for sharing that. Much appreciated. Have a nice day, then.

my day's fine, and your point isn't very interesting.. it sounds like corporate spin..

It's mind boggling when the costs of games get leaked (or revealed during court cases). It makes me sad that so many studios have pivoted to the strategy you've described because it means we'll have less games of a franchise I enjoy since the development takes so long or the developement is never even started because people have decided the profit won't be as high as making a blockbuster game. Hell, look at Rockstar milking whales with GTA V, that's a slightly different conversation, but it's crazy how long the gap between GTA V and GTA VI are

If EA is willing to cut me a check for telling you that games are getting more expensive and take longer to make then tell me where to sign

i wonder if you think you are even trying to pretend to discuss Baldur's Gate 3

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