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What makes a log cabin gay? Put a couple of self hating Republicans in it or is there more to it than that?

None of the logs are straight

Would be a horror to build tho.

That's why the step grandfather's plan failed. If he had just left it alone Moki Awa would only be able to build a straight log cabin. But with all the skills gained from attempting to "man the queer" out of them, they are now able build the gayest non-straight log cabin.

Lmao doesnt make sense at all from a logical perspective, but its a memey sub so I'll not think about it too hard. Xd

log cabins are just inherently gay. what do you wanna fuck off into the secluded woods for, to get with a bloke?

Each log is painted a different primary color from the rainbow

A rainbow is carved out of wood above the door

And the inside is full of proper BDSM mounting equipment properly installed
