US suicides hit an all-time high last year to World – 708 points –
US suicides hit an all-time high last year

About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.


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The only reason a "left leaning" space would argue with you over that is when you start blaming women or feminism for mens issues.

As a man who is suicidal pretty much constantly, I know my issues are my own. I've failed, not society, but I also know that 5000 people who wish they were dead aren't dead yet and so there's still a chance things can change. I'd say gun control can be part of the solution, but I do also agree that we should be discussing what makes people suicidal and especially seeing why one segment of a population feels it more than others.

For me personally, I just feel like a complete failure in all aspects of life and can't find any direction that I care to pursue to get me "on track." I'm also such a mixed bag of 1000 different "types" that I have something for everyone to dislike as far as finding a partner. I would never blame women for wanting what they want, so while I enjoy my interests and stand firm in not wanted to live with a dog, I just have to accept that I'm not anyone's cup of tea.

So tldr on that bit, I'm the problem, not society.

You exist, and you are who you are, and that is ok. You may believe that you have failed, and feel guilty or ashamed of that, and that's ok too. You sound lonely, rejected, and really hurt by your experiences, "something for everyone to dislike". These feelings suck, but internalizing them and telling yourself that you are a problem can be really unhelpful. You are worthy of acceptance, with what flaws you see in yourself. This isn't really a great forum for personal, intimate discussion, but I do hope you can talk about your experiences with someone you trust.

Hey man, you don't have to hold the world up by itself. Not everything is your responsibility. In fact a lot of what people are saying here that are causing these spikes are a result of isolation and society failing our people. All out individualism isn't that great for people. We need interdependence because we can't do this all alone. We need that sense of community that has all but been demolished. It's good that you aren't blaming others for your problems, but also, society could be more helpful/beneficial to you instead of kicking you to the curb instead of making everything seem hopeless. It could provide you the tools to climb out instead of leaving you in the well.
All this to say, is that please don't be ashamed to ask for help. None of us would've gotten this far without help from others.

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