Perfect grenade drop on a moving enemy APC by a Ukrainian drone operator. to – 126 points –
Perfect grenade drop on a moving enemy vehicle by a Ukrainian drone operator.

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don't upload with streamable, barely works on any client

So you are saying it's not streamable?

Oldest marketing play in the book: name your schlock for what it's supposed to do, let the average consumer mindlessly assume that's enough legitimacy for them. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Really? Its one of my favorite. Works on FF desktop and Mobile with ublock and noscript on even blocking all CDNs. Its lightweight without any visible or inline ads.

what I'm trying to say is it doesn't embed, it'll show up as a link. unlike a raw upload which can be played in most apps like infinity and voyager

Ahh, that makes sense. I'm a browser user on desktop and mobile, so I haven't personally encountered that.