So much for that dream.

Flying to Mildly – 2683 points –

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It's not a paywall, just a login wall. The account is free. Still funny however.

Hopefully when you log in you haven't reached your limit of free articles for the month if you want to read it.

And that no one else on your public IP has reached it, since it seems to be IP-based.

There are so many times I try to read an NYT article and it says I've reached my limit when I haven't even visited the site in the past month.

NYT account is free though. Washington Post is free to students and federal / DoD employees.

I read i through my Library, through the Press Reader app. It may be worth looking at what dogital resources your local library provides.

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The account is free, but it doesn't affect whatever checks they're doing for your monthly free article limit. I've hit the sign in prompt and logged in, only to be told I've hit my limit anyway.

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