The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters to politics – 189 points –
The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters

A good in-depth discussion of media bias in political reporting, or why is it that Biden voters are encouraged to understand an empathize with Trump voters but Trump voters are never asked to understand Biden voters?


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... I want them to govern for the good of all, even conservatives that didn’t vote for them. I want them to respect history and science, rather than spouting bullshit conspiracy theories with zero basis in fact.

By those criteria, Biden has been as good a president as I could hope for.

here's an article going over biden spouting bullshit conspiracy theories with zero basis in fact and providing shitty governance for lgbtq people by singling them out for political gain:

there are many more examples from in his 2020 campaign that prove biden's a shitty establishment politician that still stands by his bullshit racist, homophobic, and classicist conspiracy beliefs to this day.

trumpers are no different than you; they're simply operating w a different style of ignorance.

An article about someone's opinions from 50 years ago is not a valid criticism when those opinions have adapted with time. This is just like arguing that Republicans don't have racist policies since Lincoln abolished slavery. Could Biden do more to be more progressive yes but this is not a good argument for that stance.

he still stands by this decision and defended it during his 2020 campaign.

Then link that article. Sodomy laws are in the books in most states into the early 2000s, being an LGBTQ ally in the 70s was rare. Growth and allyship now are much more important than being bigoted 50 years ago. Personal growth and improvement is a cornerstone of progressive ideology. I will always have patience for people who are trying to improve and understand and that means that some people are going to be starting the journey at a dark place.

these engagements always go the same way, so here’s a copy/paste from somewhere else:

since you’re clearly digging in your heels; i’m going to try to undercut your next arguments since they are always the same three from the deeply ignorant liberal crowd:

  • biden recently defended his decisions on all three [DOMA; don't ask, don't tell; undischargable student loan debt] plus multiple more shitty decisions; so it doesn’t matter how long ago he said it or made those laws.
  • biden refused to change his mind all the way up until his presidential campaign and has a solid history of changing his mind but only once it becomes politically convenient for him; so he didn’t “evolve” or get better, he just knows that trump is weaker on this topic and uses your ignorance about his past of truly horrific anti-lgbtq/black/poor history to get your vote.

Additionally: no, dunking on gays for easy politically points in the past wasn’t popular, many politicians (eg bernie sanders) never did it.

  • his beliefs are the reason why he’s not bothering to improve anything, especially on the student loan debt. also: yes there are many things he can do even though congress is trying to block him; but he won’t do it no matter what. (google these too)

My guy you still haven't answered the question. All I said was to just show me the recent article to back up your claim. You made a specific statement now show me the receipts. Don't tell me a bunch of tangentially related, unsubstantiated statements then end with telling me to do my research.

you're steering the conversation away from the matter at hand; sodomly laws have little to do w what i said.

solid history of changing his mind but only once it becomes politically convenient for him

I love this argument. You mean to tell me he only changed his mind when coincidentally so did a majority of other Americans?!?! What a fucking scandal. Have you gone to the papers?

phillaholic 6•

solid history of changing his mind but only once it becomes politically convenient for him

I love this argument. You mean to tell me he only changed his mind when coincidentally so did a majority of other Americans?!?! What a fucking scandal. Have you gone to the papers?

by that same logic trump is just as good because he too changed his mind when he ran for president.

No, he changed his mind to be worst not to be better.

Yes, even Bernie Sanders has evolved to be more accepting of lgbt rights over time:

Sometimes politics is ugly, sometimes you need to compromise, sometimes you need to act in the direction of the majority. Sometimes you’re even influenced by the trends of society

Here is an article by a billionaire funded website that offered $50 million to Stephen Crowder explaining that Biden is bad.

[checks notes]

Seems legit. I mean, how could it not be?

here's another one that shows that your thought process is heavily flawed:

Which argument? I think Joe Biden is a Republican, but he isn't a fascist. Biden is responsible for Clarence Thomas, the Crime Bill, and most of the wars in the middle east. He was anti-gay marriage, and probably still is being an old grandpa who palled around with white nationalists.

He promised to not drill on public lands, and then opened up public lands for drilling! But he did invest the most ever in climate crisis. So I guess he doesn't suck?)

He sucks. But he isn't trying to destroy America from within. So there's my vote. A guy who legit sucks or a fascist who has promised to use the DOJ to hunt down his enemies. Who has promised to take over elections and find votes. Who lies like he breaths because lying is the tactic of a bully.

It is the difference between getting shot in the face or getting punched in the face. I don't want either, but if you make me pick, I'll bloody well take getting punched.

Here's another one that shows that your thought process is heavily flawed:

"Joe Biden is a friend of mine". -- Bernie Sanders

Biden rules dude. Take your Trump trash paid for by billionaire elites to trick you into giving them gigantic tax cuts and GTFO

"Joe Biden is a friend of mine". -- Bernie Sanders