THE WEAPONIZATION OF LONELINESS to politics – 71 points –
The Weaponization of Loneliness

Hillary Rodham Clinton-(


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Extroverts thinking we need to be around one another again. blech

You know what is worse? Depressed bed blobs pretending that they are introverts and normalizing antisocial behaviour. Healthy introverts have and regularly meets friends. They just don't do it as often and in the same way as extroverts. I know these things because I went to therapy instead of trying to normalize my insecurities on the internet.

Also, you do know who wrote that article, don't you? As a liberal, I did vote for her, and felt very icky having to do so, but it was (barely) better than the alternative. Before you put her words on that pedestal, ask your therapist if they agree about this brief psychological profile of her:

A psychological analysis of Hillary Clinton — Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential election — by Rylee Pool and Aubrey Immelman, Ph.D., at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, revealed that Clinton’s predominant personality patterns are Ambitious/self-serving (a measure of narcissism) and Dominant/controlling, infused with secondary features of the Conscientious/dutiful and Retiring/reserved patterns. In summary, Clinton’s personality composite can be characterized as an adaptive elitist narcissist.

Is that someone's world view something you still think is good to promote? She IS the toxic extrovert.

Can you give 3 examples of politicians in the US that don't fit similar (if not identical) behavioral patterns? Just curious.

This post is pretty dumb, gotta say.

Why? You Hillary lovers want to cost us another election by listening to her?

Ok man, you continue to follow her cult of personality. Just don’t cost us the election by listening to her drivel.

You think Hillary has a cult of personality?


I suppose you could say her thinking she could win a presidential race was delusional, yes. Good point, thank you.

Yes, we all know that's not what you meant, and I don't give frank.

She did win the popular vote though so doesn't that kind of undercut your argument that she wasn't unelectable?

Fair point. I would answer... possibly. But I think a hot dog in a bun suit would have gotten more votes. Why? Because a) it wasn't Trump, and b) it wasn't Hillary.

I think you are projecting. Congrats on the therapy. Do the world a favor and keep going.

I see you didn't read the article before commenting

It's Hillary, only worth a light skimming. You surprised a social vampire like that gets lonely? Her ego and neediness was so big, it cost us the 2016 election. She deserves to be lonely.

You think she's lonely and not at public events like every other day, surrounded by fans and staff?

No, I don't think she's lonely. She takes care of it by feeding on the souls of others socially & politically. She would be terribly lonely if she didn't have that going for her, hadn't created this form of sustenance for herself.

Oh, cannibalism visuals. Does she eat babies whole?

This is called dehumanization and it's an old fascist tactic. If your political opponent aren't considered human, then, what?

It’s not dehumanizing, her neediness is all too human, and it ended up costing us an election and giving us Trump.