AOC and the Squad’s List of Left-Wing Accomplishments Is Quite Long to politics – 316 points –

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Killing parts of the Patriot Act and stopping our government from selling more weapons to a Bolivian government that coup'd its way into power don't seem like fluffy conjecture to me (and those are just the next two things after the $5million)

e; got my "it's" and "its" backwards

She "was involved" in those things...she didn't "do" those things. It's a big difference, and why I say fluffy conjecture. She says the right things (mostly), but that's my's just talk. I also said we shouldn't sell arms to dictators to guy a at a bar once....I could make a long winded argument about how that influenced US policy...but I'd be full of shit.

My point isn't she's a bad person or politician. But we NEED universal healthcare and free college...we NEED curbs on housing costs...we NEED climate change regulations.

The progressives were supposed to implement those things and they never did.

So...sure...she stopped a small arms deal and shifted around some pocket change. I'm not real excited by that.

She is a legislator, by definition anything she does is a group effort not a solo accomplishment.

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