Madison Reeves on why she left LMG to – 1304 points –
Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

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It is your duty to at least state how much work you already have and let the boss decide what to do.

I had a boss who acknowledged it and told me that it's fine if i'm not too accurate for couple of things.

Not saying anything, burning out and just delivering shit work non-stop isn't going to help either you or the employee, your job is to do your best and your boss has to figure out the rest.

Although i have to say i quit that job, because doing half-assed work is nothing which fulfills me.

What makes you think she didn't do that?

I didn't say she didn't do any of that, considering her story, it wasn't just the workload, nothing to gain from an environment this toxic. If you have any legal grounds to stand on, use it.

I think it's kinda weird there is not one proof of it happening yet, not a recording or anyone talking for or against it, we'll see how things turn out.

Not weird at all. If true, it would be unsurprising if they were hiding any documentation of it.

I expect, if true, there will be more whistleblowers shortly.