Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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Been meaning to transition to a distro with a focus on being pretty low maintainance yet not too top heavy, leaving Windows to a VM on my Proxmox server. Haven't gotten around to it yet, since I'd need to get the server a dedicated graphics card.

Could just use WINE, I suppose, but I'm assuming it's still as rough as it was last time I messed with it twelve years ago.

Yep, absolutely nothing has changed in the past 12 years.

Valve joined the scene but they just cracked a beer with the devs and are gonna wait their own 12

Depends on what you want to do on WINE. "I'll do it when I learn how to setup a passthrough VM for vidya" kept me on windows for a long while because dual booting sucks. I switched when I got tired of windows shit anyway and never bothered to set that up. The experience with Lutris and Proton makes WINE usage very hands-off unless there's something that refuses to work, and you don't want to let it go.