Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’ to World – 863 points –
Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’

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we have a duty to them

So you mean reoccupy them right? Because that seems like the only option in order to force the local bad actors out. Or if you mean foreign aid, then you're directly funding the Taliban and all that money will be just embezzled and wasted by them.

How are we supposed to help them out now?

Maybe give them back the 4 billion dollars we seized from them when we pulled out.

Giving the taliban 4 billion dollars is definitely going to improve the living situation

Holy shit, right? Is lemmy populated by children?

"Hey let's give the Taliban 4 billion USD. That will surely fix the country"

Absolute insanity. I feel like I'm in the bizzaro world.

The taliban may not have taken control if the puppet government we established there had any funds to pay their employees.

Yes. And we shouldn't give the Taliban 4 billion dollars.

Thing is, you can find the most trustworthy politican in Afghanistan, dump a truckload of 4 billion at his doorstep...

...and then the next day, the Taliban knocks on his door with a gang armed with AK-47s, and they announce "Hello! I heard you wished to make a $4bil donation to the Taliban's women-beating fund!" What's he going to do in retaliation?

Hence why re-establishment projects keep the money on the part of the project (in this case, the US military) until they have places to spend that money (the infrastructure). Course, we can't do that now.