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Joined 12 months ago

Oh no, please no. They were supposed to be the best of us.

DNC loves calling poor people too stupid to help themselves. Insane that they don't get called out more on this.

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I bike to work and turn off my AC/heat and power strips at home before I ride off. I wish everyone could experience how easy this is, I fucking hate driving through traffic.

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Thank you, I've been wondering why we're suddenly seeing all this hub bub around nitrogen execution when it's 100% obviously a better method than the barbaric injected cocktail that regularly fails. Thought I was taking crazy pills.

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we have a duty to them

So you mean reoccupy them right? Because that seems like the only option in order to force the local bad actors out. Or if you mean foreign aid, then you're directly funding the Taliban and all that money will be just embezzled and wasted by them.

How are we supposed to help them out now?

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And they continue to let themselves get trolled lol

I think I've read that's only a very temporary decrease immediately after ejaculation, it's a tough thing to measure over time since you have to draw blood each time. Sports are full of psuedo science and myths.

Fucking deranged tankies man, their Lord and Savior Hasan Abi has been going off about how "baby settlers" are valid military targets. These people yearn to live under a propaganda-military dictatorship.

Warm and cuddly until you say something negative bout China or Russia, then they come hauling ass..

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Easy enough to say when you're not in that situation with your nerves running high.

I've read Hamas specifically runs military operations in civilian buildings like hospitals as a meat shield, is that not true?

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What kind of democracy holds only a single election in 2006 and then no others?

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I think at this point it's best that the administration just got out because it appeared it was never going to get better. Just my perspective at reading about the attempts to build administration and actually get local citizens to build and manage their own sustainable government structures in place and it never taking off. Just read anything about the army's attempts to create a competent Afghani security force.

We never should have intervened in the first place, and should have gotten out as soon as we could.

Good polling can be formated in a way to weed out people giving nonsense answers, it's like the first thing you learn about polling in sociology or psychology, how to extract quality data.

I'ma be honest with you, I would kill myself if I had to spend around 4-6 hours commuting each day. Or I guess find a different job.

Lol that fucking name is straight out of 1850

I don't think I could ever get drunk enough to break a fucking window, that's insane. I don't understand people's excuses for degenerate criminal behavior while drunk, I'd pass the fuck out before I got to this point.

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Just use dokuwifi or media wiki or any of the already made OSS self-hosted solutions...

if only Mastodon would get off their high-horse and address usability issues, like the lack of a like button. Lemmy has it figured out much better by having an "all" tab populated by all the subs users have subbed to.

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The stripping of clothes is done to determine whether they have a bomb vest on, which is a 100% legitimate concern with Hamas who has used adults and children for suicide bombers. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp.

Piece of fucking shit

I was really curious to learn more about CFPB's financing, I found an article about Trump slashing their budget by a quarter but I haven't been able to find anything about their funding year by year.

It's turbo fucked if they haven't refunded them because they've returned billions to consumers by prosecuting fraudulent organizations like Wells Fargo!!

AR-15s are functionally the same as the majority of rifles, they're semi automatic. Calling AR-15s military style immediately shows you know almost nothing about guns.

We'd have a better return on our investment banning handguns which are used in more deadly non-police shootings by a whole fucking lot.

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Like over a decade ago but they havent held elections since. I've seen countering articles saying Hamas has overwhelming support by the people, vs actually Hamas murders anyone who goes against them. So who knows. Fog of war and all that.

Is starling like an interstellar zergling or something?

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If it were to become damaged, it can be recycled into a new state sanctioned penal murder cube.


Believing in the right to arms is also relevant for leftists, especially if a civil war breaks out. During BLM protests there were also armed leftists in marches which appeared to temper police responses.

Personally speaking, I don't want cops and rich people, aka rightwingers, to be the only ones who are able to and allowed to own firearms.

God damn we can only hope

Damn, appreciate the context. Sounds like you're in a Texas city? I didn't know housing costs were that bad there.

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tankie army has been activated

Purposeful targeting of civilians, mass murderer and rape of civilians, years of constant undirected rockets, suicide bombers and child suicide bombers after withdrawing entirely from gaza, equals a punch in the nose?

I love that you have 6 downvotes probably purely because you dared to say Starlink is good for your use case. Haven't you heard the news that Musk is bad therefore you're a bad person too for using Starlink?

America is the most propagandized country? Really?

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Cisco and Juniper need to die as entities like 5 years ago. They're single-handedly holding back all of networking from entering the modern era of computing.

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You're the first person I've seen to describe my experience too, I feel like I'm the sole crazy person who wouldn't mind more in office time. But I'm also lucky in that my office is a 15 minute bike ride away, I'd drive off a bridge if I had to commute an hour by car every day

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Can you define what about them makes you consider them military style?

And what are you thinking of when you say "random people running around with them", because legally anyone who purchases them is required to pass an FBI background check to make sure they're not a felon, among other things.

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I fucking love it, it's great

Iirc gun statistics don't differentiate between homicides and suicides and I believe suicides is about half of that statistic.

which places in America?

You sound like a rightwinger talking about leftists