US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China to World – 606 points –
US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China | CNN Politics

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America is the most propagandized country? Really?

most is an overstatement. Yeah I think we are, it seems to take a lot of work to get past my American biases when reading world news. I could fall into "America Bad" leftist takes, and that would be just as lazy.

Probably. Since it's one with the least censorship, everyone needs to push more propaganda than the opposition...

You believe the US is one with least censorship? Did they tell you that?

Guess it depends on what we call "censorship". Is it state enacted censorship of personal opinions? Is it censorship of porn? Is it how many reporters get killed each year?

At least the US has the 1st amendment; a lot of countries don't, or circumvent free speech laws with censorship in one way or another (free speech for me, not for thee).