Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse

Flying to politics – 809 points –
Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse, Jon Karl Reports

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This might be a little bit reductive, but I'm pretty sure you can tell that they're not competent lawyers because they are Trump's lawyers.

He's known to ignore his lawyers, lie to them, refuse to pay them, and throw them under the bus. I can't imagine a competent lawyer wanting that client. Maybe someone just looking to get their name plastered everywhere, aka some kind of grifter, but definitely not a competent lawyer.

Pretty sure they're demanding payment upfront now

Hopefully they're still always meeting with him with another lawyer in the room so they can verify what he says.

My point, I think, still stands.

Like they do for us plebs? Last time I hired an attorney they required a retainer upfront.