Is it possible to parse a rss reader through ffplay? to – 18 points –

Title. Basically, a lower panel that shows the latest news, etc (fetched from a rss link or a sequence of rss links) while scrolling left (ala CNN). Why? I'm trying to make a "smart clock" of sorts that shows a live stream, a real time clock and -also- the latest news -- all crumbled together in a single screen.

I'm using a orange pi zero 3 w/ Dietpi installed. And due to the expected "crazyness" of this idea, I had to resort to you guys.

Thanks in advance.


I understand the end result you want to achieve, but what do you mean with "parse a rss reader through ffplay"? Parsing is taking in a string (text) and building some datastructure from it (like an AST). You can parse a rss feed (it's XML) but I don't get what parsing a rss reader is. Also "through ffplay"? You want ffplay to parse your rss for you? Or do you want to parse rss and than have ffplay somehow display the result (the news headlines taking from the feed)? ffplay displays videos and images (I use it as my only video player lol). If you want to render some text underneath a video stream I think you need ffmpeg first and than pipe the result into ffplay.

Thank you for your explanation, but what I had in mind "in depth" was to "store" the latest news acquired from a rss link into a variable (say, $NEWS), and then display it all way down with -vf drawtext=text="''$NEWS':fontsize=etc:other:attributes" followed by a scroll effect (to the left)... which I'm pretty sure its possible, but I don't know which package is appropriate for the former.

I see, I didn't know ffplay could do some ffmpeg stuff by itself but it makes sense (ffplay is bundled with ffmpeg). I tried a very small example, you have to tweak it:

-vf drawtext="fontsize=20:fontcolor=white:text=example line of text:y=h-line_h:x=mod(w+text_w-50*t\,w)"

It makes the text scroll right to left, looping back to the start when it goes off screen. I adapted it slightly from the examples section of the manual:

Yes! This is more like it. Thank you.

Now to figure out a package that acquires the latest news out of a rss link and prints it in the cli.