The future of gaming belongs to weird, little games to – 116 points –
The future of gaming belongs to weird, little games

Any novel idea that gets a modicum of success is immediately and repeatedly flogged to death by copy-cats, both indie and corporate, for the next several years until the gaming public is sick of seeing it. See any recent successful gaming trend for an example.

@ylai it always belonged. every successful game was an experiment. a weird, quirky experiment.

*takes bong hit*

"Ok, so hear me out...then the plumber jumps into the sewer and comes out in a different dimension with living mushrooms and attack turtles."

"Duuuude, I'm big on shrooms fr"


Small indie studios instead of the hulking meat grinders of corporate giants.

that's why I hope the game-like genre naming really takes off that means I can just play the original and skip the rest