problems logging in

𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 to – 5 points –

Previously this post title was "2fa doesn't work"

Hi, I enabled 2fa about 2 weeks ago, it seemed to work but now I can’t log in, it doesn’t say anything, I just see 400 http status in browser’s debugger (F12), i have only this Jerboa session logged in and no browser session to disable 2fa

EDIT: weird, now it doesn't ask for my 2fa (admin godly intervened?), just straight refuses to log me in, no error message, just HTTP 400 in console, password reminder email doesn't come too Imgur link

Apps say incorrect_login

UPDATE so yeah, it was a 2fa problem, new jerboa has a corresponding toggle in the account settings, so I disabled it and can log in in other clients


both and have had login issues for the last 2 days-- and 2FA isn't the issue.

from what little I've gathered from various posts and the lemmy matrix chat, both sites were experiencing a massive DDoS attack, and may have disabled logins, however, that doesn't explain the lack of communication from either team or how long it's been disabled (almost 2 days).

current session still work, and (at least yesterday) resetting your password was a workaround to log into you account, but if you log out, you can't log back in again.

this is all I know so far...

I cannot login unless I do a password reset. Then if I try logging in another web browser with the new password, I still get “incorrect password” message.

Make absolutely sure your time is set correctly.

I seem to be unable to login or reset my password either. I keep getting incorrect login but I am logged in on a couple apps so I can still post and use my account for now there.

I confirmed my email is correct, but the forgot password button doesn’t work so I can’t try changing my password.

Same problem here: unable to log in. The only way to get back in is to reset my password (which logs you in instantly). Same issue on my phone and desktop with a variety of browsers.