Best Android spreadsheet editor? to Free and Open Source – 9 points –

I tried Collabora on a Galaxy Droid and it was such a massively buggy disappointment: in a .ODS file, I couldn't backspace more than once; I could only delete one character at a time. I had to enter another character or move the cursor or do something else before it would take another backspace. I don't understand how this app has as high reviews as it does, or no one has used its spreadsheet editor.

I so far can't get away from Google Drive because tables are absolutely critical to my work... Any ideas to help de-Google would be deeply appreciated!

Update: The search continues, as ONLYOFFICE did not work out either and similarly had file-editing problems. For now, I've resorted to .TXTs...


You could give ONLYOFFICE a try. It defaults to Office Open XML formats, but it can read and edit OpenDocument files just fine.

EDIT: electro1 has just told me that ONLYOFFICE has trackers. One look on Exodus and, sure enough, they're right. Sorry!

Shame it has all those built in trackers...

Like what? Could they be nullified if we just disabled its Internet access?

Facebook and Google trackers.

I believe yes, disabling network access will disable the trackers ability to report to their server, a Calyx developer told me this, but do your own research